Home production SENEZH-DEKOR

Senezh Laboratory preparation "SENEZH-DEKOR"

Защитно - декоративный состав «Декорсепт».Prevention and disposal of wood-coloring, mold and wood-decaying fungi and simultaneous decorative and water-repelling treatment of wood.



Product: Low-viscosity transparent liquid from yellowish to light brown color. Slight opalescence is possible. When pigments and dyes are introduced the agent takes the color of the latter.

Action: Prevention and disposal of wood-coloring, mold and wood-decaying fungi and simultaneous decorative and water-repelling treatment of wood.


  • does not cause disappearance of wood texture
  • wood penetration of the first primer is prompt, with reliable protection ensured
  • practically no wash-out from wood
  • causing no corrosion of black metals
  • gives decorative appearance and colors imitating valuable wood (teak, chestnut, palisander etc.)
  • contains no hazardous substances of hazard classes 1 and 2 under GOST 12.1.007

Application area: Treatment of outside and inside structures of different types of buildings to protect against biological organisms causing decay and imparting decorative appearance instead of paint and vanish compositions under conditions of classes I-XI under GOST 20022.2).

Storage: The protective agent should be kept in manufacturer's package in shed storage facility, with entry of outsiders excluded. Unladen containers can be used for relevant purposes after proper washing. Shelf life is no less than 12 months.

Application method: Surface application by brush or paint sprayer of any type. The preparation should be mixed thoroughly before and during work.

Tool cleaning: White spirit, xylene, acetone etc.

Safety requirements: When handling the agent, wear working clothes and use individual means for protecting eyes, respiratory organs and hands. Prohibited to be worked with in the presence of open fire sources. Rooms should be aired to ensure compliance with the applicable maximum permissible concentrations in the air of work area.


Защитно - декоративный состав «Декорсепт».





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